Request for Conversation
The 'Chat Request' screen will pop on the chat agent’s screen to inform that there is a chat request in the system. They can 'Accept' the request to start the chat, or 'Reject' to send the call to another agent.
In this example above, we are informed that 'Customer is waiting for conversation' which means it is a new customer chat request.
Chat Transferred from another Agent
It is possible that the chat request is an invite or a transfer from another agent which is shown in examples as per below.
Chat Conversation Window
The chat conversation window is opened when the agent accepts the chat request. Note that the customer will have received the default / custom greeting message sent by the system.
The red font indicates that Sandy Rivers is a customer, not another chat agent.
Type chat messages in the box provided and click 'Enter' or the 'Send' button.
The 'Clear' button helps customer to clear the message box should they need to re-type the chat message.
The 'Print Chat' button allows customer to send the chat log to printer.
Press the 'End Conversation' button to close the chat request.
The Agent will also be notified when the customer has left the conversation
!—Sandy Rivers has left the conversation
Invite in or Transfer Chat to other Agents
The chat agent is able to view the status of the other agents by clicking on the 'More Options' button. The status of agents can be shown as logged in i.e. free, logged out, busy on phone, or on break.
The chat agent can click on an available LoggedInagent and send a request to join the conversation with either the 'Invite' or the 'Transfer' button.
Invite simply adds the agent into the conversation, while Transfer sends the existing chat transcript to the additional agent.
Transfer and Invite request can be rejected by the other agent, however, a reason must be written in the message box provided. The text is displayed only to the agent who requested the invite / transfer.