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Installation Procedure:


  1. Please ensure dotNet 4 is installed on your Server.  It is available from the Microsoft Download Website.


If dotNet 4 is installed, you may skip to step 2.


Run dotNetFx40.exe to begin the dotNet 4 installation.


 Accept the License Terms and Select “Install”.


You will be present with following screen during the install.


At the Completion of the dotNet 4 install you should see the following screen.



 InstallCyReport Web Server Componentby running installer.exe

This is available on the Cytrack Website.

To install only the Web Server Component, Select “Advanced Installation” and then press “Forward


You will be asked for a software Registration Code.  Enter your “Package Code” or “CD Code


Ensure on “Reporting Web Server” is Selected and press “Forward”.


Enter your Company Details and then press “Forward


  Accept the Licence Agree and press “Forward


Set the Installation Path and press “Forward


Installation will now continue

If IIS is not installed, the installer will install.


 Once IIS is installed, the installer will continue with the CyReport BI Installation


 The installer will register the required Dll’s


 You will then be prompted for Server, Network Credentials and Mail & Subscription Settings.

Database Server Location: The Name of the server hosting the SQL instance of Cytrack.

Server Address: Server Hosting CyReport

Network Credential Settings:A user with write access to the File Path specified in the Mail & Subscription Settings: See Mail & Subscription Settings>>Subscription Settings > File Path


 Select the Mail & Subscription Tab and fill out the Mail setting for your Organisation


Once complete press “Save” and you will be presented with the “Installation complete” PopUp. Press OK to close the PopUp


 Website Creation is done by the installer and can be found under the “Default Web Site” in the “CyReportBI” Virtual Directory. Use the IIS Management Console to view details.


 Access the CyReport Web Interface using Internet Explorer 9 and above by going to the following url: http://YourServerName/CyReportBI


Further Notes:

The installer creates an ODBC data source for you during the installation process providing you have supplied the correct details.

If you need to manually configure a 32bit data source follow the below instructions:

  1. Create a 32bit SQL ODBC data source.

This is done by running odbcad32.exe located in the SysWOW64 directory


Configure a 32 bit ODBC Source named CyTrack By selecting the System DSN TAB and then pressing “Add”.


Select SQL SERVER and press “Finish”.


Name the ODBC data source “CyTrack” and enter your SQL Server Name, then press “Next”.


Ensure SQL Server authentication is selected and enter “CyTrackUser” as the Login ID.

The Password is available from CyTrack Support.


 Select “Next”.


Select “Finish”.


Select “Test Data Source” to ensure ODBC is configured correctly.


 If you have configured the Data Source Correctly you will receive the following Successful Test Results.  You can then press “OK
