A tier also has a flag fall cost, which is a cost that is applied to a call as soon as it begins.
Configuring CyReport - Digit Modification
Access this screen from the CyReport Manager ->Site Configuration -> Digit Modification
Initial Prefix – the sequence of numbers that need to match at the beginning of a dialled number for this digit modification to apply.
Remove Number – the number of digits that are removed from the beginning of a dialled number that has been found to begin with the Initial Prefix.
Add Prefix – the sequence of digits, which are added to the beginning of a dialled number being modified after Remove Number of digits has been removed.
New Carrier – Specifies the new carrier will be, or select Unchanged if change is not required.
Configuring CyReport - Running CyReport as a Service
CyReport Server must be running at all times. When the application is started from the Start Menu, the main interface is available on the desktop as shown in earlier sections. When minimized, a system tray icon will be displayed.