On accepting the chat, the agent can also see prenence of other agents and can transfer and/or invite additional agents to participate in the chat. All chat context will be available to such additional agents.
CyTrack Chat Queue Settings Tab
Chat completion codes are configured in the Queue configuration settings ‘Completions’ tab as per usual queue setup
Automatic messages can be configured for customer chat initiations outside the Chat Queue operational hours within the ‘Chat’ tab
Chat transcripts can be automatically sent to Email as required. SMTP Sender Profile will be required to be configured. NB: with CRM integration, chat logs will be stored within CRM as required
Selecting the ‘Auto Callback’ option will change the Chat web form into a callback form. This means that the information entered will be added to a configured callback CyTrack Campaign, which then points to a CyTrack CyCall outbound calling queue.
Supervisor Screen
CyChat module
CyChat requires Microsoft IIS to host the server web components.
CyChat also requires Internet Explorer v6 or above for the client
A website that provides the ‘Web Chat' button, preferably runs on Microsoft IIS Web Server, that links to the CyChat request page.
Select: Red bin icon next to any row - to delete a chat option
Other options in the chat AdminPage
Set CyChat Agent’s Custom Greeting Message