An announcement to add into the queue(s) in which you would like to provide a breakout option for callbacks in queue.
The announcement should provide reference to the option number to press
Callback message announcement(s), to ask for
customer phone number and
customer voice message (if applicable)
A campaign created to store callback requests within
A calling team [consisting of agent(s)] in which to assign the callback campaign to
Add announcement to voice queue for breakout / callback-in-queue
See article on updating announcements here CyCX – Updating Queue Announcements
You may wish to provide the annoouncement on the second or third option
Notice the ‘Queue Type’ dropdown box to make queue selection easier
Configure Breakout Option from voice Queue
Within your voice ‘Queue’ (queue Type:Queue) in which to have a breakout / callback-in-Queue, you’ll need to provide an option to route into a ‘Callback Message’ queue or overflow when a condition is met. For example, option 9 within the announcements tab shown below:
See Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Announcements Tab for more informaiton.
Create & Configure CyCallTeam - Agent(s) that callbacks should go to
To create a CyCallTeam, go to CyDesk Manager > Options > Configure > Administration > Queues> Queue Type:CyCall Team > Add
Then configure the queue as you would do as per Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The General Admin Tab and related pages applicable to the tabs available within a CyCall Team Queue type.
Note: At a minimum you should add the agent(s) for whom callback should be delivered to
Create & Configure Callback Campaign
Callback utilizes the campaign and queuing engine as illustrated below. The Callback Campaign becomes the repository for the callback entries.
To create a Callback Campaign, go to CyDesk Manager > Options > Configure > Administration > Campaigns > Campaign Type:Callback > Add
Double-click the campaign created or that you would like to edit to open the configuration settings seen below. The ‘Callback’ campaign must be configured with completion codes and linked to a specific Queue type: CyCallTeam. The campaign must also be started and will run constantly to provide a means to store callback records/entries.
Create & Configure Queue Type:Callback Message - for leaving customer contact number and voice message
A ‘Callback Message’ queue type needs to populate an outbound campaign with entries. So that, for example, as an inbound caller chooses the option to keep their place in the queue and receive a callback once agents become available, the callers phone number along with any additional recorded message can be supplied to an agent once free. The repository for these outbound calls is a ‘Campaign’ of Type: ‘Callback’. As seen in the Configuration > Administration > Campaigns screenshot below:
Within the ‘Callback Message’ queue, configure the announcement’s tab with simple message and configure the voice message recording at Messages tab as per screenshot below.
Create & Update Queue Announcements for Queue Type:Callback Message
The greeting files for the ‘Callback Message’ queue must also advise the caller as described below:
type enter the return phone number after the tone, and end with #
leave a message after the tone, and end with # or Hangup when finished.
If caller hangs up at greeting1, there will be no recorded message but a callback will still be created. Similar to the abandoned call scenario, but the callback will be presented with the new phone number keyed by the caller.
Create & Configure Callback Campaign
Callback utilizes the campaign and queuing engine as illustrated below. The Callback Campaign becomes the repository for the callback entries.
To create a Callback Campaign, go to CyDesk Manager > Options > Configure > Administration > Campaigns > Campaign Type:Callback > Add
Double-click the campaign created or that you would like to edit to open the configuration settings seen below. The ‘Callback’ campaign must be configured with completion codes and linked to a specific Queue type: CyCallTeam. The campaign must also be started and will run constantly to provide a means to store callback records/entries.
Configure Breakout Option from Queue
Within your voice ‘Queue’ (queue Type:Queue) in which to have a breakout / callback-in-Queue, you’ll need to provide an option to route into a ‘Callback Message’ queue or overflow when a condition is met. For example, option 9 within the announcements tab shown below:
See Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Announcements Tab for more informaiton.
To update a Queue Announcement see here CyCX – Updating Queue Announcements
Use the ‘Queue Type’ filter to see all ‘Callback Message’
Upload the ‘First Announcement’ as per Greeting1 above, using the ‘File Type’ drop down option
Upload the ‘Repeat Announcement’ as per Greeting2 above, using the ‘File Type’ drop down option