CCS Desk Manager allows administrators to configure system settings in real-time. To access the configuration screen, click on ‘Options’ and select ‘Configure’. You will be required to login as a CCS Desk user with administrator privileges
The configuration area is presented in a tree/node layout which will be described in the next sections. Some nodes may not be available on your system due to insufficient software license.
The Agents tab maintains the list of usernames for CCS Desk. A new agent profile can be added by clicking on the ‘Add’ button , and an existing one can be deleted by clicking on the ‘red bin’ icon.
By default, the list is sorted by agent names in alphabetical order. You can change the sort method of this list by double-clicking on the column names.
Name – The CCS Desk username.
IM Type – The Instant Messaging application to integrate with. Currently, supported options are Windows Messenger or Office Communicator.
Enable ‘Copy to Dial’ – When phone number is highlighted with the mouse then copied a screen will be displayed asking if you wish to dial that number.
Confirm Before Dialling – Prompts for confirmation before dialling.
Allow login/out of specific queues – when this option is enabled, agents can choose to add / remove themselves from queues that they are assigned to.
Maximum Chats – This option allows the number of maximum chats to be set.
Existing agent profiles can be copied by selecting an agent to copy from and click the ‘Make Copy’ button. All settings are copied across and the new agent will be created with the name ‘Copy of X’ which can be modified further.
Selected agent can have their password reset by clicking the ‘Reset Password’ button and enter the new password.
Teams could also be setup in the Agents tab by clicking the Setup 'My Team' button. Agents could be added/removed in a team by clicking the left/right arrow buttons.
An agent’s Teams setting can be copied to other agents by using the ‘Copy Teams’ button. Select the agent to copy from and highlight one or more agents to copy into.
Speed Dials
CCS Desk includes functionality for providing a list of speed dials that are available to and shared by all agents. These are managed in the Speed Dials node in CCS Desk Manager under Administration node. A new speed dial can be added by clicking on the ‘Add’ button, and an existing one can be deleted by clicking on the ‘red bin’ icon.
Each speed dial entry can contain up to five numbers, as shown below.
Speed dials entered in this screen will become immediately available to all logged on agents, and any agents that log on in future.
CCS Desk includes functionality to allow the user to press a specific key sequence to perform actions such as answering a call, going on a break etc. The Hotkeys node within CCS Desk Manager under Administration node contains a list of the keyboard shortcut profiles. A new profile can be added by clicking on the ‘Add’ button, and an existing one can be deleted by clicking on the ‘red bin’ icon.
The check box enables the specific function, and pressing the Change button allows you to select the actual key sequence. Basic alphabets and numeric keys cannot be used as part of the key sequence e.g. A, LCTRL+A, LSHIFT+A, LCTRL + LSHIFT + A, etc.