Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Other Tab for Specialised Customisation
GM Script – If CyDesk is integrated with GoldMine, a GoldMine script can be used when a call is answered from the queue. To select a script click on the pull-down menu and highlight the desired script.
CyConsole Department - When CyConsole is used by the CyCX agent, the screen pop can be configured to show a specific department. The selection for department is taken from the list of departments configured in the CyReport directory.
Pop URL – The configured URL will be displayed whenever a call from that queue is ringing or answered by an agent. This feature happens independently of any CRM integration that may be configured. There are
68 ‘variables’ that can be used e.g. http://intranet/search?ph={NUMBER}
{NUMBER} – The phone number of the incoming call.
{ACCOUNTNO} – The ID of the contact, if known (requires Database integration).
{CONTACT} – The name of the caller, if known (requires Database integration).
{COMPANY} – The company name of the caller, if known (requires Database integration).
{QUEUEID} – The ID of the queue, if it is a CyCX related call.
{EMAIL} – The sender’s email address, when using CyCX email queuing.
{AGENTID} - Number of agent
{AGENTNAME} - Name of agent
Survey Queue – Transfers the call to selected survey queue when an Agent disconnects from the client.
Auto Callback – If a call is abandoned in this queue a callback will automatically be created in the associated callback campaign using the Caller ID as the phone number to be called.
Storage Consent Given – If this is enabled, any call that goes through this queue will store the full number for caller ID irrespective of the setting in System Security. The idea is that a previous AutoAttendant will give callers the option to choose a particular routing option if they approve of their details being stored.
Storage Consent Refused – If this is enabled, any call that goes through this queue will not store the full number for caller ID irrespective of the setting in System Security. The idea is that a previous AutoAttendant will give callers the option to choose a particular routing option if they do not approve of their details being stored.
Use Dialed Number for CRM Lookup – This makes the CRM lookup work on the Dialled No rather than the CallerID e.g. to screenpop / recognise CRM objects based off department or tenancy (multi-site).
For other Configuring a Queue Tabs see here:
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The General Admin Tab
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Agents Tab
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Skills Tab
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Schedule Tab
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Announcements Tab
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Completions Tab
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Overflows Tab
Configuring CyCX - Configuring a Queue - The Other Tab for Specialised Customisation