Procedure in Reference | QP7.01 Deployment Services - LIVE | ||||||||||
Purpose of Instruction | To provide an end to end guide to the customer on the process of the deployment and transitioning into business as usual and after sale support services |
Stakeholders Form
This form advises us of the major contacts withing the customer organisation who will be responsible managing the deployment project and providing the necessary information in a timely manner
Pre-Install Form
CyTrack’s solutions have some system requirements depending on the software modules the customer has purchased
We require the customer to acknowledge the various minimum requirement are met and also to provide us with the necessary information at the beginning of the deployment to ensure a smooth and contiguous installation
Scope of Deployment Service and Engagement
Our standard deployment fees for contact centre include the following. If the customer requirements exceed these then additional fees will apply
Contact Centre In scope
- Solution design meetings with customer to clarify call flows and requirements
- Provisioning of CyTrack Applications software
- Installation of PBX CTI Interface connecting the Contact Centre application to PBX
- Installation and Configuration of the Contact Centre software
- 5 Queues included – more than 5 will entail additional charges
- 5 Overflows included – more than 5 will entail additional charges
- 5 callback in queue configurations included o 1 single business partition - more than 1 will entail additional charges
- Up to 2 nested Auto Attendant queues - more than 2 will entail additional charges
- Up to 2 Dashboards - more than 2 will entail additional charges
- Includes up to 10 statistical items in design – additional items will entail additional charges
- Any custom queries will be quoted on case by case according to the customer requirements and database type
- CRM integration with supported CRM solutions included, but any non-supported CRM integrations will entail additional cost according to the compatibility of the CRM API and also assessment of complexity of the integration
- Solution testing
- 1 session of Supervisor and Admin training
- 1 session of End user training – train the trainer for initial blocks of 10 users
- Project management of service delivery
- Business hours moves, adds and changes
- Web clients secure certificate for encrypted access
- Remote users access where applicable
- Demarcation of support for SIP services will be the PingCo gateway infrastructure. PingCo will not be responsible for logging or resolving carrier related faults beyond the PingCo gateway infrastructure
Contact Centre Out of Scope
- Installation of client software to desktops (This requires local access to PC’s and we often are not granted access remotely, but we can assist and guide on first 3 clients included in cost and from there available as an optional cost for rollout on request)
- Audio recordings for queue announcements (auto attendant audio, onhold music, comfort messages, voicemails etc.) these are to be provided by the customer
- Provisioning Server/PC Hardware
Configuring Network Port Mirroring to facilitate SIP recording - Installing and configuring 3rd party Telephony CTI drivers (pabx specific) on the server
- Configuring web browser and installing web certificates on users PCs o Installation of PBX supplier mobile or PC desktop client software
- Integration to public IM platforms, eg: MSN, Skype (valid licensing and registration by customer will be required)
- Customer DNS configuration
- Customer Firewall configuration
- Customer Network configuration
- Configuration and installation of IP Phones
- Provisioning of SIP carrier services
- Powering of any SIP phones
- Supply of PoE switches
Dashboard Design In-Scope Statistics
Dashboard Statistics Supported in standard installation scope:
Up to 5 items from below list – additional items will be charged for additional cost and any custom statistics will be quoted according to scope and complexity
Queue stat:
- Number of Agents logged In
- Number of Agents Available/Busy/on Breaks
- Number of Calls Answered Within/Outside SL
- Current calls waiting time
- Number of calls waiting in Queue
- Number of Received/Abandoned/Answered/ Escalated/Short calls (Today)
- Average/Total Calls Waiting time (today)
Agent stat:
- Agent Status/BreakType/Loggedin
- Extension Number
- Incoming calls today
- Incoming Answered Calls Today
- Incoming Abandoned
- Queue Calls Today
- Incoming Answered
- Queue Calls Today
- Outgoing Calls Answered Today
- Outgoing Calls Today
- Queue Calls Today
- Talk Time Today
- Time on Entering Completion Code
- Time on Break
- Time on Call
- Time Since Last Call
Extensions based stat:
- Answered Incoming Calls
- Answered Internal Calls
- Answered Outgoing calls
- Answered calls
- Total Calls
- Total Incoming
- Total Internal
- Total Outgoing
- Total Unanswered
- Unanswered Incoming
- Unanswered Internal
- Unanswered Outgoing
CyTrack’s method of training is to ‘train the trainer’ using TeamViewer.
The customer will nominate a ‘superuser’ who will receive full hands on training in all areas of the software modules purchased, including the admin tasks. This person is then responsible for training the other users in the software they will be using in their roles
What the training will cover?
What we test
Go Live
The Go-Live stage is an important part of the process and is initiated by the Go-Live form which must be signed by the customer and returned to CyTrack before the site can be activated to be working live. If certain commercial conditions are attached to the project stage of Go Live these must be fulfilled before the approval is given for Go Live.
If for any reason the customer refuses or we cannot obtain the Go-Live form CyTrack will assess the date the system has gone live
Deployment Warranty Period
We provide a period of time called the deployment warranty period whereupon our deployment team will address certain accepted issues or change requests raised by the customer without this being deemed chargeable and comprising part of the deployment process.
This deployment warranty period will extend for 21 days from the go-live date.
Deployment Project Completion
The Deployment Completion Form is issued to the customer one week after Go Live has occurred, (for avoidance of doubt - not when the Go Live Form is signed but when the system has been taken live).
The Deployment Project is completed when the Deployment Completion Form is signed by the customer. In certain cases, additional documentation may be attached to address specific needs or contractual aspects of the project, so that their completion may be demonstrated and signed as completed off by the client.
If there are certain issues that remain to be addressed, The Deployment Completion Form provides a section for the customer to enter a list of those issues outstanding (each one of those must have a support ticket issued for reference) and these will be processed and addressed by the coordination of the PM and the support team.
If the customer does not return requests for the Deployment Completion Form for any reason, then the date calculated as 21 days from the Go-Live date is taken as the acceptance of the project completion. In this case CyTrack will deem the project has been completed and will notify the customer of this action.
Once Deployment Completion has been reached then all support tickets will become Billable from this point, excluding IRS issues if the customer has purchased IRS support.
Issue Resolution Service
* Refer to Professional Services Brochure
Support Tickets
Registering on support portal
Service Vouchers
After Hours work
Making the Most of Your Investment
Issue Resolution Service Renewal Process
What Next? The Insider Blog
The CyTrack Insider Blog is aimed at all our customers who are on our Software Care Service (which is included as part of the Issue Resolution Service). The purpose of the Blog is to deliver high level news and information about our version release communicated directly from our engineering team. The blog posts provide you the version numbering of upcoming releases and where exactly they are at in progress on a fortnightly basis.
Our aim is that our customers will be better informed on the progress and content of upcoming new releases and can also follow particular resolutions to issues or new feature releases that are important to them. The Blog also provides the means for you to post questions and comments and our engineering team will reply to your query directly.
One important area to explain is how our release number system works when we provide you a release version that is slated to include items of interest to you. Releases are numbered based on the month the work is defined and planned - not when its released ! This is because often when starting work we can’t be sure of the exact time it may take to complete and when communicating a release version for customers to track we cant keep changing its release name as dates change as that would be confusing for everyone.
The release numbering system is year-number-version - so for example 20-1.1 release. This is a version that has commenced in year 2020, is our first release of the year so '1' and the first point release of the month so '.1', as we may sometimes have more than one release in a single month. Each cycle increments the point release, so for example release 20-1.2 would be a minor second cycle of the 20-1.1 version released before we could bring the next major version being 20-2.1.
Our Engineering and Leadership team is constantly reviewing our project plans for issue resolution, customer requests and exciting new innovations, all in our planned product evolution to ensure we deliver products exceeding our customers’ expectations.
We hope you enjoy being a CyTrack Insider.