Configuring CyCC - Configuring a Queue - The Other Tab for Specialised Customisation
- GM Script – If CyDesk is integrated with GoldMine, a GoldMine script can be used when a call is answered from the queue. To select a script click on the pull-down menu and highlight the desired script.
- CyConsole Department - When CyConsole is used by the CyCC agent, the screen pop can be configured to show a specific department. The selection for department is taken from the list of departments configured in the CyReport directory.
- Pop URL – The configured URL will be displayed whenever a call from that queue is ringing or answered by an agent. This feature happens independently of any CRM integration that may be configured. There are 6 ‘variables’ that can be used e.g. http://intranet/search?ph={NUMBER}
{NUMBER} – The phone number of the incoming call.
{ACCOUNTNO} – The ID of the contact, if known (requires Database integration).
{CONTACT} – The name of the caller, if known (requires Database integration).
{COMPANY} – The company name of the caller, if known (requires Database integration).
{QUEUEID} – The ID of the queue, if it is a CyCC related call.
{EMAIL} – The sender’s email address, when using CyCC email queuing.
{AGENTID} - Number of agent
{AGENTNAME} - Name of agent
- URL for end of CyChat – Similar to Pop URL but specifically for CyChat session routed through the queue.