Auto Escalation to the Survey Queue

Auto Escalation to the Survey Queue

This feature is designed to automatically route the call to the Survey (or intended) queue to ensure all calls that requires to be rated are transferred accordingly.  More importantly, this will also maximize agent efficiency and minimize errors in sending calls to the survey queue after each call. 

As soon as the agent clicks the hang-up button in the CyDesk client, the call will be automatically transferred to the survey queue.

This feature can be enabled per queue, per campaign or per agent as follows:


Configuring the Survey in Queue Settings:

In order to use the auto escalation to survey feature in normal queues, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the settings of the specific queue in configuration window.

  2. Navigate to “Others” tab

  3. Select the created survey queue from the drop down of “Survey Queue.”

  4. Click OK to save


Configuring the Survey in Agent Settings:

Survey feature can be enabled at the Agent level. The call is routed to the selected survey queue once it is answered and hanged up by an Agent. Follow the steps to configure this settings:

  1. Open the settings of the specific agent in configuration window.

  2. Select the created survey queue from the drop down of “Survey Queue.”

  3. Click OK to save


Configuring the Survey in Campaign:

Survey feature can also be configured in campaign. The call is routed to the selected survey queue once it is hanged up. Follow the steps to configure this settings:

  1. Open the settings of the campaign in configuration window.

  2. Select the created survey queue from the drop down of “Survey Queue.”

  3. Click OK to save

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