Configuring CyDesk Services
Step 15
The configuration of CyDesk is done from within CyDesk Manager, but there are certain items that need to be configured per workstation.
If the machine running CyDesk Client is not connected to CyDesk Server, then a popup window box will appear upon running CyDesk Client.
CyDesk Server Address – the network address of the machine running CyDesk Server. Press the ‘OK’ button and if the window appears again then it is not connected to the provided CyDesk Server Address otherwise if the startup screen appears then the system is connected to CyDesk Server.
Step 15.1 CyDesk Server
Go to CyDesk Manager Option Configure and click Services node under Configuration node. Right Click CyDesk Server and click Settings for CyDesk Server.
Database Mode – CyDesk can store the system configuration in a SQL Database or a text INI file. It is recommended to always use SQL Database mode.
Automatic-Restart –Automatically close down and restart at a set time every day.
Diagnostic Tracing – Enables diagnostic trace log to be created by CyDesk Server, what it will contain.
Step 15.2 Pabx Server
Go to CyDesk Manager ==> Option ==> Configure and click Services node under Configuration node. Right Click CyDesk Server and click Settings for CyDesk PBX Server.
Server Selection – The PABX integration profile to be used by service.