Delete Extension Duplicates in CyReport Directory

This article provides instructions to run sql scripts to prune extension duplicates in the CyReport Directory.

  1. Stop CyReport Engine service.

  2. Backup Database ‘CyTrack’

  3. run, against the database:

    • delete from tblDirExtAcdStationState where id_ext not in (select id from tblDirExt)

  4. Run, against the database:

    • with RetainedIds as (


                                      max(id) as id

                      from tblDirPeopleACD

                      group by id_people, id_acd


      delete from tblDirPeopleAcd where id not in (select id from RetainedIds)

  5. Start CyReport Engine service.

  6. Check that the sql:

    • select

                                      id_people, id_acd

                      from tblDirPeopleACD

                      group by id_people, id_acd

                      having count(*) > 1


      returns 0 rows.

  7. Check that the sql returns 0 rows:

 select *  from tblDirExtAcdStationState

where id_ext not in (select id from tblDirExt)


returns 0 rows.