How to Assign Completion Codes for Abandoned Calls

How to Assign Completion Codes for Abandoned Calls

This brief guide will show you how to assign completion codes for abandoned calls.


  • You must have access to CyDesk Manager
  • Completion Codes must be created for Steps 4 & 5 below


  • Min Abandon Time the minimum time (in seconds) is what defines a ‘Short Call.’
  • Abandoned Completion Code – completion code for abandoned calls that has been in the queue more than Minimum Abandoned Time set (in seconds).
  • Short Completion Code – completion code for “short calls” meaning, if a call is abandoned, but has been in the queue less than the ‘Minimum Abandon Time’ set (in seconds), it will be classified as a Short Call.

1.  Login to CyDesk Manager

2.  Go to the General Settings tab in CyDesk Manager

3.  On the General Setting tab, set your Minimum Abandon Time (in seconds).

4.  Select your Abandoned Completion Code from the dropdown menu.  In this example, select Abandoned Calls.

5.  Select your Short Completion Code from the dropdown menu. In this example, select No Answer.

6.  Click OK to confirm settings.

End of article.