CCS Search

CCS Search


The ‘Search’ screen allows you to find other CCS Desk users who may or may not be in your team. It lets you view their status, as well as call them, transfer calls to them, add them to your ‘team’.

Click on the ‘Search’ button in the tool bar 

By clicking on the drop down menu, you may choose to look for agents, queues, system speed dials or personal speed dials, or extensions, or use Global Find to search all categories at once.

Search for Agent

There may be many users of your CCS Desk system, and not all of them may be in your ‘team’. The ‘Search’ screen allows you to look them up by name. Type the part of the name that you want to match and click the search button, and a list will be displayed showing the matching agents and their status

  • At this point, you may double clickon the agent (if they are logged in) to call them. Additionally, you may right click on one of them to get a similar menu to the one you saw in the ‘Team’
  • If you are already on a call, you may drag that call to one of the contacts in the search screen.
  • To add one of the found agents to your ‘Team’, open the ‘Team’window and drag the agent from the ‘Search’ screen to your ‘Team’.

Search for Queue

Select ‘Find Queues’ from the drop down menu, and you will be able to look for any queues that match the text you have typed.

At this point, you will be able to drag any active call and drop it onto the queue in the list to transfer that call.

Search for System Speed Dial

Within CCS Desk Manager the system administrator may create ‘System Speed Dials’.

Once you have found the System Speed Dial you require, you may double click to dial. Additionally, if you are already on an active call, you may transfer the call to the System Speed Dial by dragging the call and dropping it on to the System Speed Dial.

Search for Personal Speed Dial

You may also use the Search facility to filter your personal speed dials. From here you can call or transfer to any of your personal speed dials. You cannot add to them or edit them from here.

Search for Extension

You may also use the Search facility to look for an extension number that you wish to dial. From here you may call one of these extensions or transfer a call. The icon indicates the status of each extension i.e. red means busy, gray means available.

Search for Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft CRM Contact

If CCS Desk is integrated with Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft CRM, you may search by name for a contact. You may right click on any contact and either call them or display their contact record.

End of article.
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