Creating Queue Assignments
The Assignments tab is used to assign devices to different queues for the CCS Q system. A new assignment can be added by clicking on the ‘Add’ button, and an existing one can be deleted by clicking on the ‘red bin’ icon.
Device Type – The type of the device.
Device – The actual device.
Mode – The mode used by CCS Q to determine the identifying field for the incoming call.
- DNIS – Identifies the incoming number that was dialed.
- CLI – Uses caller ID of the incoming call.
- Caller Queue Lookup – Uses a Queue lookup profile, as configure in the Q-Lookup tab.
- All Calls – Route all calls on this device to the queue.
- Redirecting ID – In some TAPI implementations, the InDial, which has been called, is reported in the Redirecting IDfield of the call information.
Identifier – The identifier to match for the queue as determined by the mode.
Queue – The queue to put all calls on this device into. (Queue type: Any)
End of article.
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