What is the Security Manager?
What is the Security Manager?
The Security Manager is a feature that enables the consistent enforcement of user policies and permissions within iPECS Reports Plus.
The screenshot below shows a grid displaying permissions/restrictions for each user on the system, including the Administrator.
Descriptions of some of the permissions:
- The Directory permission indicates if the user can edit the directory.
- The Recordings permission indicates if the user has access to call records.
- The Restricted extensions gives a list of the extensions that the user can see in the generated reports.
The Security Manger Functionalities:
This section enumerated the functions of the iPECS Report Plus Security Manager based on the user’s role.
I. Administrator
The Administrator is responsible for the following tasks:
- Adding Users
- Edit User
- Delete User
- View/ Edit User Permissions
- View/ Edit User Restrictions
- Logout User
To know more about the How To's on the Administrator's tasks, click on the icon below.
II. Non-Administrator user (any other user created by the Administrator)
The non-admin user can do the following:
- Change Password
- View User Permissions
- View User Restrictions
- Logging out as a User
To know more about the How To's on what the Non-Administrator can do, click on the icon below.
End of article.
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