Configuring CyReport - CyReport Directory Manager
CyReport Directory allows the administrator to assign items such as an extension number, account code, and/or authorization code to a user and logically group these users. Additional information such as e-mail address and mobile phone number can be added to the properties of a directory object. Run CyReport Directory from the CyReport Application Launcher.
The default ‘Tree’ name is Directory. To change this name, simply double click on it and enter a new name.
Typically only one tree is required for each CyReport installation, but more ‘trees’ can be added by clicking on thebutton. Trees can be deleted by using the other button
The main window area contains a Windows Explorer folder view style of interface. There are five different types of objects that can be manipulated in the directory tree. These objects are:
Account Code
Authorization Code
A ‘Group’ object can contain either ‘Group’ or ‘Person’ objects. Typically, separate groups would be formed for different departments or offices in a company.
A ‘Person’ object can only contain ‘Extension’, ‘Account Code’ and ‘Authorization Code’ objects.
An ‘Extension’ can either be active or inactive. The CyReport license the number of extensions that can be made active in CyReport. Only calls related to ‘active’ extensions / account codes will be logged. An inactive extension is indicated by the icon being greyrather than red Right click on an extension and click ‘Edit’ to change its ‘Active’ status.
An ‘Extension’, ‘Account Code’, and ‘Authorization Code’ can be set to not charged which means CyReport Server will assign zero cost against call made with one of those objects. A charged object will have the blue dollar sign by the icon . Right click on an object and click ‘Edit’ to change its ‘Charged’ status.
Configuring CyReport - Defining CyReport Directory Defaults
To modify the default fields for each directory object, click on the corresponding toolbar button. This will display a window showing any existing fields that were defined.
To add a new field, click on the 'New' button and enter a name for the field in the Name Field cell. To remove an existing field, click on the button.
Any changes made in this window will have a global effect on all objects of the type selected. E.g. if a new field called ‘Mobile’ is added to Person Defaults, then all ‘Person’ objects will contain a ‘Mobile’ field. It is recommended to leave the entry blank because it will overwrite the values of the field in all objects.
Configuring CyReport - Creating Directory Objects
The root of the tree contains a default group that is named Directory. Select this group then click on the button to change the name.
The next step is to create a tree structure that logically represents the company's own office and departmental structure. The example from the above screen shot shows two group objects that are part of the default group, which represent two companies. Departmental ‘Sub-Groups’ such as Sales and Support are then created under each company. Each ‘Person’object can then be added to the appropriate departmental group. Finally, ‘Extension’, ‘Account Code’, and ‘Authorization Code’ objects can be assigned to the ‘Person’ object.
To create a new ‘Group’, select the parent group that should contain this new group.Next click on thebutton and enter a name in the Group edit box. Information can also be entered for the default fields. To add a new ‘Person’, first select the group that they will belong to. Next click on thebutton and enter a name in the Name edit box. Information can also be entered for the default fields. |
To add a range of ‘Extensions’, select 'Edit' from the top menu, and then ‘Add Extension Range’. Select the lower, upper extensions and site, and then click 'OK' to add these extensions. The added extensions will be active by default, unless no more active extensions can be added. Duplicate extensions will not be added.
To add a new ‘Account Code’, first select the person that it will belong to. Next click on the button and enter the account code in the Number edit box. The ‘Charged’check box should be selected if the cost of calls made against the account code is to be calculated Ensure that the correct site is selected on the Site pull-down menu. To add a new ‘Authorization Code’, first select the person that it will belong to. Next click on thebutton and enter the account code in the Number edit box. The ‘Charged’check box should be selected if the cost of calls made against the authorization code is to be calculated Ensure that the correct site is selected on the Site pull-down menu. |
Configuring CyReport - CyReport Directory Fast Search
To search the directory, click on the search icon in the toolbar. The Directory can be searched by Name, Extension, Department, or values in Person Fields. The edit box is entered with the text to match, and the percentage symbol can be used as a wildcard.
In the results pane, double-clicking on an entry will search for that entry.
To sort on a column, double click on its header.
Active extensions are indicated by a green mark in the active column, inactive by a red mark.
When an entry is selected, clicking on the tree view icon will return to the tree view screen, with the selected Directory entry shown and selected.
Configuring CyReport - Defining CyReport Directory Defaults
To modify the default fields for each directory object, click on the corresponding toolbar button. This will display a window showing any existing fields that were defined.
To add a new field, click on the 'New' button and enter a name for the field in the Name Field cell. To remove an existing field, click on the button.
Any changes made in this window will have a global effect on all objects of the type selected. E.g. if a new field called ‘Mobile’ is added to Person Defaults, then all ‘Person’ objects will contain a ‘Mobile’ field. It is recommended to leave the entry blank because it will overwrite the values of the field in all objects.