Configuring Campaigns - General Tab
The next sections explain the configurations in each tab. Note as mentioned above, each campaign type has different set of tabs available for configuration, and the options inside each tab may also differ.
Name – The name of the Campaign.
Queue – Where the campaign calls will be distributed into. (Queue type: CyCall Team)
Agent Mode – The campaign dialing mode.
- Preview – The campaign call is presented to the agent and they click the dial button when ready. This option is available in Campaign type: Campaign and Callback.
- Progressive – The campaign call is presented to the agent and will start dialing according to the ‘Seconds before dialing’ configuration. This option is available in Campaign type: Campaign and Callback.
- Pre-emptive – An automatic dialler that calls the numbers and transfers the call to an available agent, when a ‘Human Answer’ is detected. This option is available only in Campaign type: Pre-emptive.
- SMS – Sends an SMS to each contact. This option is available only in Campaign type: SMS.
Minimum Agents - example, you set it to 2. It wont assign any campaign calls if the amount of agents free is less then 2 – so you still have 2 agents available to take incoming calls
Maximum Retries – Set the amount of times the call will be retried if engaged or unanswered is detected. If this value is smaller than the completion code ‘Number of Retries’ configuration, then the completion code setting is overridden.
Seconds Before Dialling – The time before the system starts dialing automatically. This option is available only when Agent Mode is configured as Progressive.
Seconds Between Calls – The Available time required before an agent can be assigned with a new campaign call. This is slightly different to the conventional wrap-up time, in that here the agent is actually available so can still take calls from other sources.
Call Priority – Sets the priority of the campaign call over other calls the agent may receive. 1 is the lowest priority.
Has Expiry Date – This option is only available if you log in to CyDesk Manager as a user with administrator privilege, not the built-in Administrator account, and that user must have a password associated with it. Once the Campaign is saved with an expiry date, it cannot be changed. Once the expiry date is reached, that campaign cannot be restarted or reloaded.
Multi Dial Mode – Applicable to Preview mode only. When enabled, this allows agent to make as many campaign call attempts in one assignment. Each call attempts still require a completion code. When agent is ready to move to the next assignment, agent will click the ‘Complete’ button and given the option to complete or re-schedule the call.
Complete Code – The completion code that will be executed when agent has finished an assignment in multi dial Preview mode. Ideally, this should be set to a ‘No Retries’ completion code type.
Reschedule Code – The completion code that will be executed when agent reschedules an assignment in multi dial Preview mode. Ideally, this should be set to a ‘Scheduled Callback’ completion code type.