Port | Server or Client | TCP or UDP | Functionality |
5060 | Server | UDP | UDP standard port for SIP |
5070 | Server | UDP | UDP standard alternative port for SIP |
For the CFD and CTI enabled gateway, these additional ports are used
Used by the CyTrack gateway to connect to the CTI server (TCP)
CyReport Server
Used for CFD connection (WCF service)
For Reporting server, these additional ports are used
Ports for Reporting server and cannot be changed during installation.
Port | Server or Client | TCP or UDP | Functionality |
7089 | Server | TCP | Used by Report CyReport client programs to communicate with report CyReport server |
80, 443 | Server | TCP | HTTP and HTTPS connection to the report CyReport web portal |
For SMS module, the following
CySMS Server
Port for SMS module and can be changed during configuration.
Port | Server or Client | TCP or UDP | Functionality |
20001 | Server | TCP | Configure internet firewall to allow inbound port 20001 and port forward it through to internal CyTrack server |
N/A - Firewall rule for incoming Traffic | Server | TCP |
-Folder Exceptions
These folders should not be scanned by AntiVirus as it will cause performance issues and delays
Folder | Functionality |
C:\CyTrack Logs | Folder where logs are stored - this is definable so may be a different value |
C:\Announce | HMP announcements folder - this is definable so me be a different value |
C:\ProgramData\HMPservice | HMP announcements folder copy - used by the Windows Service |
C:\ProgramData\CyTrack | Dump data/log files for CyReport |