This article provides instructions to run sql scripts to prune extension duplicates in the CyReport Directory.
Stop CyReport Engine service.
Backup Database ‘CyTrack’
run, against the database:
delete from tblDirExtAcdStationState where id_ext not in (select id from tblDirExt)
Run, against the database:
with RetainedIds as (
max(id) as id
from tblDirPeopleACD
group by id_people, id_acd
delete from tblDirPeopleAcd where id not in (select id from RetainedIds)
Start CyReport Engine service.
Check that the sql:
id_people, id_acd
from tblDirPeopleACD
group by id_people, id_acd
having count(*) > 1
returns 0 rows.
Check that the sql:
select * from tblDirExtAcdStationState
where id_ext not in (select id from tblDirExt)
returns 0 rows.