Configuring CCS Call Pre-Emptive Dialling Settings

Configuring CCS Call Pre-Emptive Dialling Settings

Configuring CCS Call Pre-Emptive Dialling Settings

The CCS Call tab provides configuration options for the Pre-emptive dialer.  Multiple profiles can be configured based on the desired rates of dialling and unsuccessful call classification.

Transfer Mode – How the successful pre-emptive call will be transferred to the agent.

  • Dialogic Transfer– Uses the Dialogic hardware to transfer.
  • CTI Transfer– Uses the CTI Blind Transfer function to transfer. This is the most recommended mode.
  • Park/Unpark– Uses Park devices to ‘transfer’ the call.
  • CTI Redirect– Uses the CTI Redirect function to transfer.

Auto-Completion Selection – unsuccessful calls will be automatically completed with a completion code. There are several reasons the call is unsuccessful.

  • Busy – Receives a busy tone.
  • No Answer – The call rings but never answered.
  • Answer Machine – The call goes to an answering machine e.g. voicemail.
  • Unobtainable – The number is invalid.
  • No Agents Free – The call is successful but there is no available agent to take the call.
  • Fax Tone– Receives a fax tone.

Call : Agents Ratios - Represents the numbers of calls to be made on behalf of each available agent. The ratio is a reflection of the number of successful hits the user expects from the data (inaccurate phone data will result in a higher % of disconnected or invalid calls so the ratio would be higher, i.e. more calls must be made to make a successful connection)

  • Up to – The number of agent that a particular ratio is going to apply to.
  • Ratio– The number of calls to be made when available agent is less than or equal to the value in ‘Up to’. 

Answer Detection – The logic behind the decision whether a call is successful or unsuccessful.

  • Inter Word Delay – Delay between words used to identify an answer machine.
  • Maximum Answer Length – The maximum time a call expected to answer, used to distinguish between a real answer and answer machines.
  • No Answer Delay – Time delay for No Answer result for the call 

End of article.
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