Introduction to CySurvey

The CySurvey application is developed as a powerful but simple survey solution that enables you to ask your customer questions that requests a score from a specific range, such as, a 0 – 10 score. 

Callers can immediately rate a service after a call by simply pressing the dial pad on their phone.


With CySurvey, clients/ users can develop any multi-layer survey with as many questions as they want.

Anyone with access can create, design, upload and update the questions to the application’s question bank – with no programming required.


Clients/ users may set rules depending on the campaign – on what questions will be asked per queue.

They may also set rules in their contact centre to handle or escalate those callers that leave responses, which may require further and/ or immediate attention.


By setting the rules properly- tailored to your business, you will have:

  • Real-time information on the level of customer satisfaction/ dissatisfaction on every call or interaction made.

  • A drill-down of an issue and giving your business a way of managing it before it escalates.

A means to motivate front-liners/ agents to deliver top-notch service on every call and customer interaction, through different performance management campaigns – such as Coaching derived from the survey results.


For example, a customer rates their last call experience as a “2” out of 10, in which 10 is the highest. 

With this very low score, the application can immediately provide the caller an option to connect to a manager (after rating the call over the phone) for further attention.   The other option is the caller can leave a voice message, which will be then routed to a manager for a call-back.


We have provided a series of reports by agent, service queue or organisation for reporting on your created Surveys.  Also for those company/ organisations that wish to pursue the Net Promoter Score (NPS) system and translate customer experience into profitable growth, we have created out of the box reports that are compatible with the NPS methodology.   

You can run survey reports using CyReport and easily access the recordings of those calls within those reports for review.

In order for you to utilise CySurvey, you need to have any of our Contact Centre Solutions – CyCC and/or CyCall.

With the CyCC and/or CyCall solution, your contact centre will have:

  • An option within a queue to automatically send a call/ caller to a survey when the agent clicks the ‘hangup’ button on CyDesk;

  • An option within a campaign to automatically send a call/ caller to a survey when the agent clicks the ‘hangup’ button on CyDesk;

  • An option within an agent profile to automatically send a call/ caller to a survey when the agent clicks the ‘hangup’ button on CyDesk.


End of article.