CCX System Monitor

CCX System Monitor


The purpose of the CCX System Monitor Service is to have a service running which is separated from the rest of the services within the suite which can be used to trigger an alert if any of the services are not operating correctly.

An important consideration of the CCX System Monitor alerts, is to provide options that allow a customer to control the granularity of the alerts and also whether this is to be alerted to their internal help desk services only or also to CCX Professional Services.  CCX Professional Services will be providing an optional level of service care for customers utilising CCX System Monitor where designated alerts can be escalated directly to our help desk for investigation.

CCX Desk Manager Services Page

The CCX System Monitor Service configuration is accessed from the CCX Desk Manager ‘Services’ Page

When you right click on the CCX System Monitor Service you will be presented with some options

Configure Service

This option will allow you to specify whether the service runs Automatically or only starts manually

Settings for CCX System Monitor Service

Selecting this option will start the CCX System Monitor Service configuration program described in this manual

CCX System Monitor Service status screen

The user interface for the monitoring service is a table showing the current status of the various elements which are being monitored – this can only be used on the server where the monitoring service is running.

There are several important elements to be discussed which affect the information shown in the screen – which can be filtered according to what you wish to see.

There is also a button to allow configuration of the schedule – which affects when certain items are reported

The Email button allows configuration of the SMTP integration used to send the alert notifications

Filter Checkboxes

The checkboxes can be turned on or off to change the filter of what is being shown in this screen – note that this screen and the filter applied to it have no impact on the service itself

To edit any of the issues and their configuration you need to double click on the row

Only Show Problems

If this is turned on, as it is when the application is first started, it will show a list of items which have been configured to be reported as ‘Problems’

Turning this checkbox off will show all issue types configured within the system.

Only Show ‘Report Each’

The column called ‘Report Each’ is used to indicate whether each item will be reported for each occurrence – this will be described further in the description of the configuration for each item

Only Show ‘Report Daily’

The column called ‘Report Daily’ is used to indicate whether each item will be reported on the daily status report email – this will be described further in the description of the configuration for each item

Include issues with no history

Typically the screen will only show items that have already occurred at least once – there are other reportable items which can be viewed by enabling this feature – primarily for information purposes

Configuration Files

CCX System Monitor configuration and statistics are stored in XML files.

We do not recommend editing these files manually.



If you move CCX to another server, you would need to backup the MonitorRunningConfig.xml file and restore to the same location on the new host.

You may also keep copies of different config files and swap out as required.

Issue Configuration

When an issue is double-clicked on the front screen the configuration window will be shown for that item

The Application and Name are pre-defined and not configurable

General Options

Should this be included on Daily Report

If configured, at a certain time of day a report will be sent to give a summary of how many occurrences have taken place of each item that has this check box enabled – this is regardless of whether the issue is configured as a problem or merely as an expected event.

Does the issue indicate a Problem

Each issue is either something that is expected to occur or not

If the issue is expected to occur it is not a Problem – and will be configured according to the Information Notification settings

If the issue is not expected to occur then it is a Problem if it does occur – and will be configured according to the Problem Notification settings

Send this issue to Support

This item will only be available for selection if the customer has opted into the CCX System Monitoring Service

Problem Notification

Should each incident be reported

Some types of events will occur sporadically while others will continue to occur once they have started.

For example there is a Recording event called API No Response – indicating that the recording service is not receiving any response from the recording application. If this is received then it may mean an issue has stopped the recording application from running – and you would expect that this is going to continue to be reported until the issue is resolved. In this case you may not want to receive an email every time the issue occurs, only the first time it has occurred for the day.

Similarly, the SizeMismatch event which indicates there is a problem with the size of the content of a recording should not occur at all, but you might want to receive an email each and every time that it does occur, in which case you would enabled this checkbox.

Itemise Occurrences on Daily Report

If the issue is set to be included on the Daily Report (described earlier) the information on the report will show how many times the event has occurred, and the last time it did occur

If you enable this checkbox it will also give a list of the date/time of each occurrence and any other information that is available to be reported. For example if this relates to the ‘SizeMismatch’ event it will include the caller number and called number as well as the date and time of the call which the event relates to

Information Notification

As previously described, items which are configured as not being a Problem are primarily used for information purposes only to see that the system is operating correctly.

Maximum Seconds allowed between occurrences

To be notified when an event has not occurred for a specified amount of time, enter the amount of seconds into this field.

An example would be DeskServer Heartbeat. This should be occurring every 10 seconds or so – therefore it would be reasonable to enter a value of 60 and within a minute of the DeskServer ceasing to send messages to say it is alive the notification system would send an alert.

Only Report if not received during schedule

The previous example, the DeskServer heartbeat, should be occurring 24x7. There are other notifications though which would only be expected to be received during the operating hours of the business, for example the ‘CallStarted’ event. You wouldn’t need to receive a notification to tell you that calls weren’t being identified by the system at 2am. In this case you would enable this checkbox.

Repeat sending alerts until issue is cleared

When this checkbox is enabled you will continue to receive email alerts every time the issue timeout ‘Maximum Seconds’ has passed

Description to use on email

When the email notification is sent to report an issue, the Application Name and Issue Name will be sent but the ‘Description’ will also be sent to make the issue easier to identify

Schedule Configuration

The schedule is used to determine the times of day when events are expected to be received.

Email Configuration

This screen is used to configure the SMTP details used for sending the email notifications and the list of recipients for the Alerts and for the Daily Summary

If you need to copy the SMTP credentials from another server do the following steps

  1. Access the CCX server that you want to copy the SMTP credentails from and browse to “C:\ProgramData\CCX\“

  2. Open the file “MonitorRunningConfig” and copy the entire line that starts with <CSmtpProfile ….> - See screenshot below


  3. Now log into the server you want to copy the credentials and make a backup of it’s “MonitorRunningConfig” file

  4. Suspend “CyPulse Alerts”

  5. Stop the CyPulse service

  6. Now replace the <CSmtp Profile …. > line that you have copied earlier into this server

  7. Start CyPulse service

  8. Ensure “CyPulse Alerts” is not suspended anymore

  9. That’s it.

Site Name

This will be included in the subject line of each email notification, so if you are monitoring multiple sites you will be able to identify which site is sending the notification.

Alert Recipients

This is the list of email addresses that the Alert notifications will be sent to

Daily Recipients

This is the list of email addresses that the Daily Report will be sent to which gives a summary of all issues that have occurred since the previous Daily Report. Once it is sent the occurrence counts are all set back to 0.

Daily Report Time

This is the time of day that the daily report will be sent. As previously mentioned, when this is triggered the statistics will be reset to 0. Clicking the Send Now button will also reset the statistics to 0.

SMTP Settings

These are the SMTP settings to be used when sending the alert – contact your IT department or provider for these details.


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