Dashboard for CyReport
- 1 Dashboard for CyReport
- 1.1 Dashboards
- 1.2 Dashboard Settings
- 1.2.1 Background Color
- 1.2.2 Select Device Guide
- 1.2.3 Edit/Delete Custom Device
- 1.2.4 Widget Interactions
- 1.3 Sliders
- 1.3.1 Opening a Slider
- 1.3.2 Adding a Slider
- 1.3.3 Editing a Slider
- 1.4 Pie Chart
- 1.4.1 Add Pie Chart to Dashboard
- 1.4.2 Data Metrics
- 1.4.3 Styles
- 1.5 Step Chart
- 1.5.1 Add Step Chart to Dashboard
- 1.5.2 Data Metrics
- 1.5.3 Styles
- 1.5.4 Thresholds
- 1.6 Bar Chart
- 1.6.1 Add Bar Chart to Dashboard
- 1.6.2 Data Metrics
- 1.6.3 Styles
- 1.6.4 Speedo Chart
- 1.6.5 Add Speedo Chart to Dashboard
- 1.6.6 Data Metrics
- 1.6.7 Styles
- 1.6.8 Thresholds
- 1.6.9 Circular Progress Chart
- 1.6.10 Add Circular Progress Chart to Dashboard
- 1.6.11 Data Metrics
- 1.6.12 Styles
- 1.6.13 Thresholds
- 1.6.14 Clock widget
- 1.6.15 Add Clock Widget to Dashboard
- 1.6.16 Data Metrics
- 1.6.17 Styles
- 1.6.18 Data Metrics
- 1.6.19 Styles
- 1.6.20 Box Chart
- 1.6.21 Add Box Chart to Dashboard
- 1.6.22 Data Metrics
- 1.6.23 Styles
- 1.6.24 Thresholds
- 1.6.25 Text
- 1.6.26 Add Text widget to Dashboard
- 1.6.27 Styles
- 1.6.28 Picture
- 1.6.29 Add Picture widget to Dashboard
- 1.6.30 Styles
- 1.7 Feed
- 1.7.1 Add Feed widget to Dashboard
- 1.7.2 Styles
- 1.7.3 Combo Chart
- 1.7.4 Add Combo Chart widget to Dashboard
- 1.7.5 Data Metrics
- 1.7.6 Styles
- 1.7.7 Thresholds
- 1.7.8 Data Metrics
- 1.7.9 Thresholds
- 1.7.10 Threshold Appendix
- 1.7.11 Data Metrics Appendix 1
- 1.7.12 Data Metrics Appendix 2
- 2 CyReport Dashboard Import / Export User Guide
- 2.1 Overview
- 3 Document Conventions
Dashboard for CyReport
Log in to the application with valid credentials
* If Windows SSO is enabled for your system then you may have the option to login with a Windows accountAfter login, user lands on default Slider page if a default Slider is set, otherwise on the Dashboards list page
My Dashboards – By enabling this checkbox user can only see dashboards which they created
Global – By enabling this checkbox user can view all global dashboards
*A user needs to select either one or both checkboxes. Selecting both checkboxes displays all dashboardsAdd Dashboard - Adds a new blank dashboard and user navigates to Add Dashboard screen
Live View - Shows a real time view of the dashboard
Edit - Navigates to Edit Screen where user can edit dashboard properties
Delete - Deletes the dashboard
View - Select the value from drop-down list to set the number of items visible in a single page.
Default value is “10”Navigate to other pages by clicking on “Next” or directly click on #page number
Save User Details - This option will remember the logged in user and not require you to login again if the browser is closed without logging off. This is useful when setting up a shortcut to a dashboard page in your Windows Startup folder to automatically start a dashboard. Unchecking this option or using the Logout option will again require you to enter login details
Licence Count - Shows the number of Dashboard Licences available and how many are in use
Dashboard Settings
Click "Settings" icon to access options where you can configure your dashboard.
Background Color
Click the square button next to "Background Color" to open up the color picker bar and select a background color for the dashboard page.
Color: - Use the slider to select the color
Shade: - Use the picker to select the shade of the chosen color
Transparency: - Use the slider to select the transparency
Hex: - Shows the Hex color chosen or you can type in the Hex color
R G B: - Shows the color value in decimal or you can type in a color value in decimal
A: - Shows the Alpha (transparency) value in decimal or you can type in value in decimal
Preview: - Shows the resulting color based on the above options
Click "Apply" button to save the color to the dashboard
Select Device Guide
Turns on or off a guideline to assist with dashboard layout for various display sizes. The dashboard runs in a browser and has no control over the the size of the final display screen size, however when arranging the layout you may wish to place the widgets so they fit a certain display size and reduce scrolling for the user. The display guide shows the dimensions for various display sizes to help you with layout. The guides do not show when the the dashboard is displayed live, and they are not restrictive during editing.
Select from options:
Desktop: - Removes the guide
Various Devices: - Will draw a guide for those dimensions (Mobile and Tab are predefined)
Add New Guide: - Select to define a new custom device
Guide Name: - Type in a name for the device. Must be different from any others
Guide Width: - Type in the width in pixels
Guide Height: - Type in the height in pixels
Click "Add Guide" to save settings
Click "Apply" to set the guide on the Dashboard Edit view
Click [x] to close the Dashboard Settings window
Edit/Delete Custom Device
To Edit any custom device, select the device and change the details then click Save Guide
To Delete any custom device, select the device from drop-down list and then click Delete Guide
Widget Interactions
Widgets in the CyReport dashboard support various interactive features to enhance data visualisation and usability:
Hover to Reveal Icons:
When you hover over a widget, icons for Settings and Delete become visible.
a. Use the Settings icon to configure widget properties.
b. Use the Delete icon to remove the widget from the dashboard.
(Further explored within each widget section below)
2. Information Icon (Drill-Down Functionality):
If drill-down functionality is enabled, an information ("i") icon appears when you hover over a widget.
Clicking this icon navigates you to the report configured within the widget, enabling deeper exploration of the data.
Sliders combine two or more dashboards into a slideshow. Typical uses are for displaying more information than will comfortably fit on one screen, or for visual attention.
Opening a Slider
Log in to the application with valid credentials
Click on "Sliders" tab to open the slider list page
Personal: - Displays only my sliders
Global: - Displays only global sliders
* A user need to select one or both checkboxes. Selecting both checkboxes displays all available dashboards
Press the Live View button for the Slider you wish to open
Adding a Slider
Log in to the application with valid credentials
Click on "Add Slider" to open the slider editor with a blank slider configuration
Personal: - Displays only my sliders
Global: - Displays only global sliders
Name: - Enter a name of the new dashboard in the text box provided
Add Dashboard: - Select the appropriate "Dashboard" from the drop-down list
Global: - By enabling this checkbox user adding the slider to a list of global sliders
d.Default: - By enabling this checkbox user sets the slider as the default. Slider will run automatically on login
e. Preview: - For viewing the slider in the preview mode
Click on "Add" to add the dashboard to the current slider
The icon indicates that the dashboard is global
Slide Duration: - A duration of each dashboard to be displayed in a slider.
(NOTE: The minimum duration is 5 seconds)Live View: - Shows dashboard in another window in a live view
Edit: - For editing details of the dashboard
Remove: - To remove the dashboard from the slider
Click on "Save" to save the slider
Editing a Slider
Existing Collection of Sliders
Click on the "Sliders" tab in the navigation menu
View - Select the value from drop-down list to set the number of sliders visible in a single page.
(Default value is “10”)Live View - Shows this slider in another window in a live view
Edit - For editing details of the slider
Delete - For deleting the slider from the list of availible sliders
Modified - Displays a date of last modification on a slider
Click on "Edit" icon of the slider you want to edit
Save - Save this slider
Save As - Save this slider with a new name
Live - Show this slider but with threshold notifications disabled
Delete - For deleting the slider from the list
Pie Chart
Pie Charts help show proportions and percentages between categories, by dividing a circle into proportional segments. Pie Charts are ideal for giving the reader a quick idea of the proportional distribution of the data.
Add Pie Chart to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard to create a new blank dashboard
From the top pane click on the "Pie" icon to add a Pie widget to the dashboard
Update Pie Chart configurations
Hover over the Pie Chart area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Pie Chart widget
Data Metrics
Data Metrics Appendix 1
Switch to “Styles” tab in Pie Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Title font size | Font size of title | e.g. “11” |
Title color | Text color of title | - |
Title font | Font style of title | - |
Label font style | Font style of label | - |
Label text color | Text color of label | - |
Label font size | Font size of label | - |
Show legend | Disable or enable to hide/display legends | - |
Show labels | Disable or enable to hide/display labels on x and y axis | - |
Background color | Background color of the widget | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5” |
Step Chart
A Step Chart uses vertical and horizontal lines to connect the data points in a series forming a step-like progression. The vertical parts of a Step chart denote changes in the data and their magnitude.
Add Step Chart to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on the "Add Dashboard" link to create a new blank dashboard
From the top pane click on the "Step" icon to add a Step widget to the dashboard
Update Step Chart configurations
Hover over the Step Chart area to make "Settings" and "Delete" icon visible
Click on "Settings" icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on "Delete" icon to delete the Step Chart widget
Data Metrics
Data Metrics Appendix 2
Switch to “Styles” tab in Step Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button to view the results
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Title font size | Font size of title | e.g. “11” |
Title color | Text color of title | - |
Title font | Font style of title | - |
Value font size | Font size of the metric value | e.g. “10” |
Value color | Font color of the metric value | - |
Value font | Font of the metric value | - |
Stage 1 color | Color of 1st stage block | - |
Stage 2 color | Color of 2nd stage block | - |
Stage 3 color | Color of 3rd stage block | - |
Range font size | Min Max value font size | - |
Range color | Min Max value font color | - |
Range font | Min Max value font | - |
Min | Minimum value on x-axis | e.g. “0” |
Max | Maximum value on x-axis | e.g. “100” |
Background color | Background color of chart | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5 |
Bar Chart
A Bar Chart is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular bars having heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.
Add Bar Chart to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on the "Add Dashboard" link to create a new blank dashboard
From the top pane click on the "Bar" icon to add a Bar widget to the dashboard
Update Bar Chart configurations
Hover over the Bar Chart area to make "Settings" and "Delete" icon visible
Click on "Settings" icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on "Delete" icon to delete the Bar Chart widget
Data Metrics
Data Metrics Appendix 1
Switch to “Styles” tab in Bar Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Title font size | Font size of title | e.g. “10” |
Title color | Text color of title | - |
Title font | Font style of title | - |
Value font size | Font size of the metric value | e.g. “10” |
Value color | Font color of the metric value | - |
Value font | Font of the metric value | - |
Y-axis font size | Font size of y-axis label | e.g. “10” |
Y-axis text color | Text color of y-axis label | - |
Y-axis font style | Font style of y-axis label | - |
X-axis font size | Font size of x-axis label | e.g. “10” |
X-axis text color | Text color of x-axis label | - |
X-axis font style | Font style of x-axis label | - |
Enable min value | Flag to enable/disable minimum value on y-axis. Disabling this shows default min value | - |
Min value | Numerical minimum value | e.g. “0” |
Enable max value | Flag to enable/disable maximum value on y-axis. Disabling this shows default max value | - |
Max value | Numerical maximum value | e.g. “100” |
Background color | Background color of bar chart | - |
Use selected bar color | Disable or enable to hide/display selected bar in different color | - |
Bar color | Color of selected bar | - |
Enable bar lines | Disable or enable to hide/display horizontal bar lines | - |
Show legend | Disable or enable to hide/display legends | - |
Show labels | Disable or enable to hide/display labels on x and y axis | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | ex – “5” |
Speedo Chart
A Speedo Chart is a single-point chart, which helps you to track a single data point against its target.
Add Speedo Chart to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Speedo
Update Speedo Chart configurations
Hover over the Speedo Chart area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Speedo Chart widget
Data Metrics
Switch to “Styles” tab in speedo Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Title font size | Font size of title | - |
Title color | Text color of title | - |
Title font | Font style of title | - |
Segment Color 1 | Color of 1st segment of speedo chart | - |
Segment Color 2 | Color of 2nd segment of speedo chart | - |
Segment Color 3 | Color of 3rd segment of speedo chart | - |
Value font size | Font size of the metric value | - |
Value color | Font color of the metric value | - |
Value font | Font of the metric value | - |
Range font size | Min Max value font size | - |
Range color | Min Max value font color | - |
Range font | Min Max value font | - |
Min | Minimum value on scale | e.g. “0” |
Max | Maximum value on scale | e.g. “100” |
Background color | Background color of chart | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5” |
Circular Progress Chart
This chart displays a Circular Progress bar with the percentage of completion on a single metric.
Add Circular Progress Chart to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Progress Chart
Update Circular Progress Chart configurations
Hover over the Circular Progress Chart area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Circular Progress Chart widget
Data Metrics
Switch to “Styles” tab in Circular Progress Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Title font size | Font size of title | e.g. “11” |
Title color | Text color of title | - |
Title font | Font style of title | - |
Value font size | Font size of the metric value | - |
Value color | Font color of the metric value | - |
Value font | Font of the metric value | - |
Arc width | Thickness of the arc | - |
Arc color | Color of the arc | - |
Min | Minimum value on scale | - |
Max | Maximum value on scale | - |
Background color | Background color of chart | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5” |
Clock widget
Adds a Clock to the dashboard to show time in different formats (analog, digital) and different time zones.
Add Clock Widget to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Clock
Update Clock configurations
Hover over the Clock widget area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Clock widget
Data Metrics
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Time Zone | Time zone to be displayed in clock. Select any of the values from dropdown | - |
Time Zone Label | Title in the dashboard | e.g. “Australia/Brisbane” |
Switch to “Styles” tab in Clock Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Time Zone Font Size | Font size of “Time zone” mentioned on top of clock | Ex – “11” |
Time Zone Font Color | Font color of time zone text | - |
Time Zone font | Font style of time zone text | - |
Hour Hand Color | Color of hour hand in clock | - |
Minute Hand Color | Color of minute hand in clock | - |
Second Hands Color | Color of seconds hand in clock | - |
Numbers Font Size | Font size of numbers in clock | Ex – “11” |
Numbers Font Color | Font color of numbers in clock | - |
Numbers Font Style | Font style of numbers in clock | - |
Clock Border Color | Border color of clock | - |
Background Color | Circular background color of clock | - |
Outer Background Color | Rectangular background color of clock | - |
Data Metrics
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Hours Format | Select hour format from dropdown (12 or 24) | - |
Time Format | Select appropriate time format from dropdown | - |
Display Days | Select yes/no to display or hide week days in clock | - |
Display Date | Select yes/no to display or hide week date in clock | - |
Date Format | Select appropriate date format from the dropdown | - |
Time Zone | Time zone to be displayed in clock. Select any of the values from dropdown | - |
Time Zone Label | Title in the dashboard | e.g."Australia/Brisbane" |
Switch to “Styles” tab in Clock Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Time Zone Font Size | Font size of “Time zone” mentioned on top of clock | Ex – “11” |
Time Zone Font Color | Font color of time zone text | - |
Time Zone font | Font style of time zone text | - |
Days Font Size | Font size of days in clock | Ex – “11” |
Days Font Color | Font color of days in clock | - |
Days Font Style | Font style of days in clock | - |
Date Font Size | Font size of date in clock | Ex – “11” |
Date Font Color | Font color of date in clock | - |
Date Font Style | Font style of date in clock | - |
Time Font Size | Font size of time in clock | Ex – “11” |
Time Font Color | Font color of time in clock | - |
Time Font Style | Font style of time in clock | - |
Current Day Font Color | Font color of current day | - |
Background Color | Circular background color of clock | - |
Outer Background Color | Rectangular background color of clock | - |
Box Chart
A Box Chart displays a single value (which can be numeric or text). The displayed value can be a result of several functions applied in the data configuration of the widget.
Add Box Chart to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Box
Update Box Chart configurations
Hover over the Box Chart area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Box Chart widget
Data Metrics
Switch to “Styles” tab in Box Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Title font size | Font size of title | e.g. “11” |
Title color | Text color of title | - |
Title font | Font style of title | - |
Value font size | Font size of the metric value | - |
Value color | Font color of the metric value | - |
Value font | Font of the metric value | - |
Background color | Background color of chart | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5” |
This widget adds a Text area to the dashboard.
Add Text widget to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Text
Update Text configurations
Hover over the Text widget area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Text widget
Switch to “Styles” tab in Text Configurations section
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Title font size | Font size of title | e.g. “11” |
Title color | Text color of title | - |
Title font | Font style of title | - |
Scroll Type | Select appropriate scroll type within text area | - |
Scroll Speed | Scroll speed within the text area | e.g. “11” |
This widget allows a user to display Pictures and Images on the dashboard.
Add Picture widget to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Picture
Update Picture configurations
Hover over the Picture widget area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Picture widget
Switch to “Styles” tab in Picture Configurations section
Choose file to upload: Upload the picture from the system by clicking on this link
Picture Stretch: Choose from the dropdown how you want to display the picture
Apply: Click on Apply button after updating the configuration
Feed shows content of a URL.
Add Feed widget to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Feed
Update Feed configurations
Hover over the Picture widget area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Picture widget
Click on “Settings” icon to open a configurations
Fill in the following parameters and click on "Apply" button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “My Feed” |
Title font size | Font size value | e.g. “11” |
Title color | Text color value | - |
Title font | Font style of value | - |
External Source URL | URL for the page or data source to display. Any HTML compliant content | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5” |
Combo Chart
The Combo Chart is suitable for comparing two sets of values that are usually difficult to compare because of the differences in scale.
Add Combo Chart widget to Dashboard
Log in to the application with valid credentials
On the home screen click on Add Dashboard
From the top pane click on Combo
Update Combo Chart configurations
Hover over the Combo Chart area to make “Settings” and “Delete” icon visible
Click on “Settings” icon to open a settings panel in right hand side of the dashboard
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the Combo Chart
Data Metrics
Update the Combo Chart configuration with Real Time Statistics
Statistic Group : Select the appropriate statistic group from the dropdown
Clicking on “Filters” icon makes the filter selection visible/hidden, from where we can select specific statistic groups
“Select Filter(s)” refers to moving items from Available Items list to Selected Items list
Click on any of the available items on which statistic functions needs to be applied (multiple items can be selected at once)
Click on “Add” to move the highlighted items to the Selected Items list
Click on “Select All” to select all the available items
Click “Select None” to deselect all of the selected items
Clicking on “Filters” icon makes the filter selection visible/hidden, from where we can select specific statistic groups
Click on any of the items in the Selected Items list (multiple items can be selected at once)
Click on “Remove” to remove the highlighted items from the Selected Items list
Click on “Select All” to select all the available items
Click “Select None” to deselect all of the selected items
Clicking on “Filters” icon makes the filter selection visible/hidden, from where we can select specific statistic groups
Click on “Edit” icon to edit the properties
Click on “Delete” icon to delete the statistic item
Click on “Add Statistic Item” to add another statistic item
Select the appropriate “Statistic Item” from the dropdown
Select the appropriate “Aggregate Function” from the dropdown
Select the appropriate “Display Format” from the dropdown
Select the appropriate “Select Widget” from the dropdown
Enter the display name in the text box provided
After updating all properties click on “Save Item” to save the details
Click on “Cancel” to exit the add/edit statistic item section
Select the widget type to be displayed for the statistic item from dropdown. Note that not all Statistic Items can be displayed as widgets.
We can now update the widget styles. Hover over the widget and click on “Settings” icon.
Styles can be updated on either widget level or individual cell/row/column level. We will demonstrate each of them -
Update Styles on Widget level
Hover anywhere over the widget and click on the highlighted settings to update Styles configurations
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Value font size | Font size of value | e.g. “11” |
Value color | Text color of value | - |
Value font | Font style of value | - |
Background Color | Background color inside the widget | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5” |
Note: To understand widget style definitions refer to individual widget styles section
Hover over the cell for which you want to update the style configurations and click on the highlighted “settings” icon
Apply styles on widget inside a cell
Note: To understand widget style definitions refer to individual widget styles section
Hover over the widget and click on “Settings” icon.
Update Styles on Label column
Label column are those, which are selected as filters during configuration (Refer to Data Metrics section under Real Time metrics to know about Filters)
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Apply to | Switch between the 2 tabs to select the scope of the style – cell only or entire column | - |
Apply Combo Styles | Switching it to “No” will override widget level styles. Switching to “Yes”, widget level styles will take precedence | - |
Value font size | Font size of value | e.g. “11” |
Value color | Text color of value | - |
Value font | Font style of value | - |
Background Color | Background color inside the widget | - |
Update Styles on Header label row
Label column are those, which are selected as filters during configuration (Refer to Data Metrics section under Real Time metrics to know about Filters)
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Apply to | Switch between the 2 tabs to select the scope of the style –cell only or entire row | - |
Apply Combo Styles | Switching it to “No” will override widget level styles. Switching to “Yes”, widget level styles will take precedence | - |
Value font size | Font size of value | e.g. “11” |
Value color | Text color of value | - |
Value font | Font style of value | - |
Background Color | Background color inside the widget |
A threshold configuration allows an automated action to be triggered once the value in consideration reaches a certain threshold. After applying configurations, the data is displayed in widget area. Thresholds can be applied either on an entire column or at the cell level. Hover over the cell/column for which you want to update configurations (For demonstration purpose we will guide through cell level configuration update)
Cell Level Threshold
Hover over the cell/column for which you want to update configurations (For demonstration purpose we will guide through cell level configuration update)
Thresholds: Switch to the “Thresholds” tab to update
New Threshold: Add a new Threshold condition
Statistic Item: The item for which you want to set the Threshold
Aggregate Function: The aggregate function you want to apply on Statistic Item
Display Format: Display format of aggregated value
When it reaches: The threshold at which automated action has to be performed
Email subject: The Subject line of email to be triggered
Email to: Recipient’s email address
Delete Icon: Delete recipient
Add Icon: Add another recipient
SMS to: Recipient’s mobile number
* Requires our optional SMS Server add-on module
Test: Test button is enabled after “Email to” and/or “SMS to” text boxes are filled. Clicking on button sends a test email and SMS to the recipient
* Requires our optional SMS Server add-on module
Delete Level: Deletes the entire Threshold level
Copy: Copy values of all properties for the current threshold level
Paste: Paste the values to a new level
Delete Icon: Delete recipient
Add Icon: Add another recipient
Color: Color of the widget once a certain specified threshold is reached
Apply: Apply the configurations to the widget
Column Level Threshold
Column level threshold applies rules on all the cells of column on which threshold is set
Hover over the custom column area and click on the “Settings” icon highlighted above
Refer to previous section (“Cell Level Threshold”) to update threshold configuration
Data Metrics
Update the Combo Chart configuration with Custom Statistics
Custom: Switch to custom tab by clicking on the tab
Custom Query: Type the custom query in the text area and press “Next” for saving the query
Click on “Apply” at the top of screen to view the results
a. Add Column: Click on the button to add a new custom column
b. Column: Select the column to be added from the dropdown (The dropdown displays all the columns from the select query in previous step)
c. Display Name: Enter the display name in widget for the column
d. Type: Select the column type from dropdown
e. Delete: Click on delete icon to delete the custom column
Click on “Apply” at the top of screen to view the results
Styles can be updated on either widget level or individual cell/row/column level. We will demonstrate each of them
Update Styles on Widget level
Hover anywhere over the widget and click on the highlighted settings to update Styles configurations
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
arameter | Description | Sample Values |
Title | Title of widget | e.g. “Stock in Hand Trend” |
Value font size | Font size of value | e.g. “11” |
Value color | Text color of value | - |
Value font | Font style of value | - |
Background Color | Background color inside the widget | - |
Refresh interval (in sec) | Interval after which chart values refresh | e.g. “5” |
Update styles for custom column in the widget
Hover over the custom column area and click on the “Settings” icon highlighted above
Fill in the following parameters and click on Apply button
Parameter | Description | Sample Values |
Apply to | Switch between the 3 tabs to select the scope of the style –cell only, entire row or entire column | - |
Apply Combo Styles | Switching it to “No” will override widget level styles. Switching to “Yes”, widget level styles will take precedence | - |
Value font size | Font size of value | e.g. “11” |
Value color | Text color of value | - |
Value font | Font style of value | - |
Background Color | Background color inside the widget | - |
A threshold configuration allows an automated action to be triggered once the value in consideration reaches a certain threshold. After applying configurations, the data is displayed in widget area. Thresholds can be applied either on an entire column or at the cell level. Hover over the cell/column for which you want to update configurations (For demonstration purpose we will guide through cell level configuration update)
Update Threshold for custom column in the widget
Hover over the custom column area and click on the “Settings” icon highlighted above
Threshold: Switch to the “Threshold” tab to update threshold configurations
New Threshold: Click on the button to add a threshold
Based on Column: Select the column from the dropdown on which you want to apply the threshold
Display Format: Select the display format of column from the dropdown
Update properties of Level 1 by referring to Threshold Appendix section
Apply: Click on the button to apply the configurations made
Threshold Appendix
This feature allows a certain automated action to be triggered once a particular threshold value is reached
Switch to “Thresholds” tab in widget Configuration section
Thresholds – Click on this link to switch to “Thresholds” tab
New Threshold – Click on “New Threshold” icon to edit Threshold properties
Update “Thresholds” properties for the widget
When it reaches: The threshold at which automated action has to be performed
Email subject: The Subject line of email to be triggered
Email to: Recipient’s email address
Delete: Delete recipient
Add: Add another recipient
SMS to: Recipient’s mobile number
* Requires our optional SMS Server add-on module
Delete: Delete recipient
Add: Add another recipient
Color: Color of the widget once a certain specified threshold is reached
Copy: Copy values of all properties to a new Threshold level
Paste: Paste the values to a new level
Test: Test button is enabled after “Email to” and/or “SMS to” text boxes are filled. Clicking on button sends a test email and SMS to the recipient
* Requires our optional SMS Server add-on module
Delete: Delete the threshold level
Apply: Apply the configurations to the widget
Data Metrics Appendix 1
Real Time Data Metrics
User navigates to this screen after clicking on “Settings” icon in previous step
Statistic Group - Select the suitable "Statistic Group" from the dropdown
Statistic Item - Select the suitable "Statistic Item" belonging to selected Statistic Group from the dropdown
Statistic Function – Select the suitable "Statistic Function" you want to apply from the dropdown
Display Format - Select the format in which you want to display the result from the dropdown
Clicking on “Filters” icon makes the filter selection visible/hidden, from where we can select specific statistic groups
Custom Data Metrics
Custom Query
Select “Select Custom Query” from the dropdownType custom SQL query in the Query Generator areaClick on “Apply” button to view query results before saving the query
Existing Stored Procedure
a. Select the stored procedure from the dropdown
b. Fill in the parameter value(s) in the text field
c. Click on generate query to view the stored procedure and parameter value(s) in text area below
d. Click on “Apply” button to generate results
Data Metrics Appendix 2
Real Time Data Metrics
User navigates to this screen after clicking on “Settings” icon in previous step
Statistic Group - Select the suitable "Statistic Group" from the dropdown
Statistic Item - Select the suitable "Statistic Item" belonging to selected Statistic Group from the dropdown
Statistic Function – Select the suitable "Statistic Function" you want to apply from the dropdown
Display Format - Select the format in which you want to display the result from the dropdown
Clicking on “Filters” icon makes the filter selection visible/hidden, from where we can select specific statistic groups
Report Data Metrics
a. Statistic Group - Select the suitable "Statistic Group" from the dropdown
b. Statistic Item - Select the suitable "Statistic Item" belonging to selected Statistic Group from the dropdown
c. Statistic Function – Select the suitable "Statistic Function" you want to apply from the dropdown
d. Display Format - Select the format in which you want to display the result from the dropdown
Custom Data Metrics
Custom Query
a. Select “Select Custom Query” from the dropdown
b. Type custom SQL query in the Query Generator area
c. Click on “Apply” button to view query results before saving the query
b. Existing Stored Procedure
Select the stored procedure from the dropdown
Fill in the parameter value(s) in the text field
Click on generate query to view the stored procedure and parameter value(s) in text area below
Click on “Apply” button to generate results
CyReport Dashboard Import / Export User Guide
This section describes the purpose, audience, organization, and conventions that are used in this CyReport Dashboard Import/Export Guide.
NOTE: The screen might look different depending on which version of the OS (Operating System) and Installation Program you are using. All information in this guide is subject to change without prior notice.
This guidance material will show the basic steps on how to import a previously exported dashboard and how to export a dashboard from CyReport Dashboard. The figures and screen images used in this guide may be changed without notice.
This guide provides user-related information intended for users and administrators.
Document Organization
This guide consists of this ‘About This Guide’ section and other Chapters, as listed below
Document Conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this guide.
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used as follows:
Convention | Description |
Bold text | May indicate a button, menu item, dialog box option you can click or select, or emphasis of an important item |
Italic text | a cross-reference, or an important term |
Code text | a command prompt |
(UCP, CM) | indicates the platform (UCP or CM) that supports the function |
Important notice
The following icons and notices are used in this guide to convey important cautions and notes.
A caution statement alerts you to situations that may cause damage to hardware, software, or data.
A note provides additional explanations, emphasis on important information, or a reference to related information.
Chapter 1 Overview
The purpose of this tool is to allow the import of a previously exported dashboard to make it a simple process to re-create a dashboard or to import one already created by CyTrack.
The dashboard import/export tool is currently a separate tool from the dashboard itself and is found by clicking on the ‘Import Dashboard’ link on the Application Launcher.
Chapter 2 Main Selection Screen
When the Dashboard Import / Export tool is started there are two options to choose from
To import a dashboard from a file click the Import a Dashboard button and the import wizard will start – please see Chapter 3.
To export a dashboard to a file click the Export a Dashboard button and the export wizard will start – please see Chapter 4.
Chapter 3 Dashboard Template Import Wizard
To import a dashboard, you will need to know the location of the file
Click the Browse button to find the JSON file and click OK
You will see the name of the JSON file as below
Click the Next button to continue
You will need to give a name to the new dashboard you are about to import
The Wizard shows you the names of any existing dashboards – enter a name that is unique, you cannot import over an existing dashboard
Once you have typed the name for the new dashboard click Next to continue
The confirmation screen will be displayed
The confirmation summary will allow you to check your options. Click the Import button to accept and start the import
Once the dashboard is imported you will be able to see it in the dashboard user interface
You may need to log out of the Dashboard and back in to see the newly imported Dashboard
Chapter 4 Dashboard Template Export Wizard
To export a dashboard as a template, select the dashboard from the list
Click the Next button to continue
Once you have selected the dashboard to export, use the Browse button to select the folder where you wish to store the dashboard.
Select the folder where you wish to save the exported dashboard and type in a name for the file. It is stored as a JSON file.
Press Save to accept this folder and name and return to the wizard.
Once you have selected the file name and folder click the OK button and you will see confirmation of the name you have selected.
Once you confirmed that this information is correct click the Next button
You will be presented with a confirmation screen
Click the Export button and the file will be created
This JSON file may then be stored for future use or for importing on a different system.