Run a New Report
Run a New Report
To Run a New Report, select a report of your choice from the ‘New Report’ folder and click on it to open the three step reports wizard.
In this example, we are going to run a report for CyDesk agent break. Click on ‘Call Center’ to open the category tree, then 'Agent' sub category and then click on ‘Break Count Grouped by Agent, Portrait’.
Filter – Step 1
CyReport Web guides you through the process of selecting data and options for your Report in a simple 3 Step Wizard. The first step allows you to select from a list of multiple criterion. Each individual filter criteria will be discussed in more details in this section.
Selecting Criteria
The default filter will generate a report that contains all calls made on today’s date. To add a filter simply click on the criteria from the left hand pane or to remove a filter click on delete on the right plain under selected criteria.
Date Range
To change the date range, click on the 'Edit label' on the right hand pane. By default the date range is set to ‘Today’.
This will open another window with more details. From the ‘Selected’ drop down list, select the applicable date range.
Selecting ‘Specified Dates’ allows user to select a start and end date.
Selecting Criteria - Extensions
Calls can be filtered based on the Extension number. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Selecting Criteria - Numbers Dialed
Calls can be filtered based on the Numbers Dialed. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Selecting Criteria - Cost
Calls can be filtered based on the Cost calculated by CyReport. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Selecting Criteria - Access Codes
If the PABX supports this feature, calls can be filtered based on the Access Codes. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Selecting Criteria - ACD
If the PABX supports this feature, calls can be filtered based on the ACDs. Select the applicable ACDs.
Selecting Criteria - Account Codes
If the PABX supports this feature, calls can be filtered based on the Account Codes. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Selecting Criteria - Agent
When integrated with CyDesk, CyReport can filter the calls based on the CyDesk agents. Because of the complex scenario and possibilities that could happen with a call i.e. transfers, diverts, recalled, etc., there are 3 modes available that determines how the report analyzes the agent data.
- Cradle to Grave On – calls and statistics are split and reported against each agent involved in the call.
- Cradle to Grave Off – calls and statistics will be combined and reported against one agent, which can be chosen from the following: First Agent, Last Agent, or the one with the Longest Talk Time.
Specific Agents – select a list of agents that will be included in the report. Excluded agents’ calls and statistics will be ignored by the report
Selecting Criteria - Answer Time
If the PABX supports ths feature, calls can be filtered based on the Answer Time. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific hh:mm:ss values.
Selecting Criteria - Authorization Codes
If the PABX supports this feature, calls can be filtered based on their Authorization Codes. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values. You can also ‘Exclude’ the selected codes.
Selecting Criteria - Break Type
When integrated with CyDesk , CyReport can filter the calls based on the Break Types.
Selecting Criteria - Call Flags
If the PABX supports this feature, calls can be filtered based on their Call Flags. This filter has two drop-down menus. The first one defines if the call type should be included or excluded. The second defines the call flag.
Selecting Criteria - Call Type
Calls can be filtered based on their Call Type. This filter has two drop-down menus and one edit box. The first menu defines if the call type should be included or excluded. The second menu defines the call type.
Selecting Criteria - Caller ID
If the PABX supports this feature, calls can be filtered based on the Caller ID. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Selecting Criteria - Campaign
When integrated with CyCC or CyCall, CyReport can filter the calls based on the campaigns. Click ‘Campaigns’ and simply tick the required campaign. You can also ‘Exclude Items’ selected.
Selecting Criteria - Carrier, Tier, Rate
Based on the carrier setting in CyReport, reports can be filtered using corresponding Carrier, Tier, or Rate selection.
Selecting Criteria - Completion Code
When integrated with CyDesk and Completion Code is used, CyReport can filter the calls based on the completion codes. Click ‘Completion Codes’ and simply tick the required codes. You can also ‘Exclude Items’ selected.
Selecting Criteria - Directory
On the Directory tab of a filter, queries are based on the directory structure of the organisation configured in CyReport Directory. The tree forms the directory, with check boxes against the groups, people, extensions, account codes, and authorization codes. Tick the items to be reported
In the example below, we are selecting Bill’s extension from the Sales group, and every item in Technical group. The selected item and all sub items will have a check box containing a tick beside them. Parents to a checked item will have their check boxes given a grey background; however, this does not indicate that they are disabled.
Selecting Criteria - Duration
Calls can be filtered based on their Duration. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific hh:mm:ss values.
Selecting Criteria - Email / SMS
When integrated with CyConsole, CyReport can filter the SMS, Email, and Print transactions generated performed using CyConsole. The first menu defines if the call type should be included or excluded. The second menu defines the transaction type.
Selecting Criteria - Private Number
CyReport administrators are able to import a list of private and business numbers, and calls can be filtered based Private Numbers. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Selecting Criteria - Queue
When integrated with CyCC or CyCall, CyReport can filter the calls based on the campaigns. Tick the required queue. You can also ‘Exclude Items’ selected.
Selecting Criteria - Site
CyReport can be used as a centralized reporting system for multiple sites / PABXs. Calls can be filtered based on the Sites. Tick the required site. You can also ‘Exclude Items’ selected.
Selecting Criteria - Times of Day
Calls can be filtered based on the Times of Day that the call was made. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific hh:mm:ss values.
Selecting Criteria - Trunk Group
Calls can be filtered based on the Trunk Groups configured in CyReport. Tick the required trunk group. You can also ‘Exclude Items’ selected.
Selecting Criteria - Trunk Line
Calls can be filtered based on the Trunk Line number. This filter requires one boolean operator and specific numeric values.
Report Options – Step 2
Step 2 allows us to create a title for our report – and also select any report options that may be available.
1. We will select a ‘Both’ in this instance.
2. Click ‘Next’ to Continue.
Report Viewer – Step 3
Your Report is Ready! Your Report is displayed to the screen providing you with further options.
You can print, email, or output to PDF and Excel .
1. By clicking on the 'Back' button at the top left of the screen you can go back and edit selections you have made.
2. By clicking on the ‘Save’ button on the top left hand corner you can save this report to your ‘My Reports’ categories on the main command screen of