Restarting TAPI

Restarting TAPI

Restarting TAPI

When there is an issue with TAPI that requires the service to be restarted, it is very critical to stop any running applications that utilize TAPI, such as TAPI Soft Phone or CyDesk PBX service. TAPI may fail to restart otherwise, and might require a reboot before the service can be restored.

To stop TAPI Soft Phone or TAPI Call Monitor -> simply close the application.

 To stop CyDesk PBX service

  • Use Services.msc to stop the CyDesk PBX server service or
  • Use the installed CyDesk Manager application in Services tab to perform the same.

Once TAPI has successfully restarted  The applications can be started again.

Note they may take longer to load due to TAPI initialization.

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