Installing the CyTrack Database to a Licensed SQL instance
Download the Additional Software Zip from
This zip contains files needed for the main application install as well, so place it somewhere accessible from both the Application and SQL servers.
2. Extract the zip
3. From the SQL server, run the Installer.exe in the extracted software folder.
4. Select Advanced installation:
5. Enter your package code:
6. Deselect everything except the Database and proceed:
7. Accept the terms and conditions:
8. Provide the install location (This won't actually be used for database only)
The installer will install Windows features that it requires for its smooth operation. This will typically include .Net 4.5, if this is not present on the machine.
The progress bar will read Report Install, which is fine. The database is configured by the report installer.
After detecting that SQL is installed, it will attempt to login as 'SA' with the password 'Cytrack', which is used for our SA account.
You should be advised that the login has failed, then it will ask for the sa password:
9. Provide the SA password for the SQL instance
10. Now run the installer on the application server and deselect Database from the list of components to install.
11. Provide the location of the SQL server when prompted.