★CyCall Multi-dial mode

CyCall: Multi-dial mode


CyCall has the ability to read multiple phone number fields thus allowing the system to reach the customer on all the numbers listed on your database.  This article describes how to set-up CyCall's multi-dialling feature.

How it works

If a call to the client was not answered, depending on how many rings you have set, the CyCall dialler will hang up and dial the next number on the database.  This process continues until all the numbers listed for that particular client has been exhausted.


For more information on the different modes of CyCall outbound dialling, please click HERE.


How to set it up

1.  Create your ODBC integration profile with the ability to read multiple phone number fields.

2.  Create your campaign and select ODBC Integration.

Enabling and Personalizing the Multi-dialling configuration

In the Multi-Dial tab, specify the order in which numbers should be used, and times of day each type of number is available.

1.  Enable the Multi-Dial Mode by ticking/ clicking the box

2.  Place a tick/ check against each number on the list, to be included for the campaign.

3.  Use the Up arrow button to change the order of preference of the numbers. 

For example

Changing the order of priority of the numbers for the following:

  • House
  • Work/ Office
  • Mobile
  • Etc.

4.  Change the Start and Finish times for each phone number, if applicable.

For example

Configure to only call the Office number during work hours and Home number only in the evening or after acceptable work hours.

Once all the necessary configurations are done (as highlighted on the image below), when the campaign is loading a record to be dialled, the system will use these rules to determine which type of number should be used.


End of article.

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