Configuring Campaigns – Advanced Progressive Mode

Configuring Campaigns – Advanced Progressive Mode

Progressive campaigns have an extended option that automatically assigns completion codes after a pre-determined period when the call isn’t answered, the phone is busy or call cannot be completed. This setting adds speed to the processing as the system does the work for the agent and completion codes don’t need to be added manually before the next call starts.

To activate this option follow the steps below:

  1. Open CyDesk Manager;
  2. Go to Options > Configure, then Administration > Campaigns;
  3. Double click the campaign and go to Completions tab (this is only available to Progressive mode);
  4. Mark ‘Advanced Progressive’ checkbox;
  5. Select corresponding completion codes for ‘No Answer Code’, ‘Busy Code’ and ‘Fail Code’.
  6. Define how long a phone call will be in a ringing state before the call is terminated and the 'No answer code' is automatic entered

Please note that time is defined in seconds and you can either chose a predefined value from the list or type a different one if you wish: