CCS Configuring Announcements

CCS Configuring Announcements

Configuring Announcements

This tab contains a list of Announcement Server profiles for call queuing and announcement services.

A new announcement server profile can be added by clicking on the ‘Add’ button in the ‘Announcement Server’ list, and an existing one can be deleted by clicking on the ‘red bin’ icon.

Announcement Server

  • Name – The name of the CCS Announce profile.
  • Incoming Calls - This drop-down allows the user to decide if announcement ports will be assigned based on first to last, last to first or longest available.
  • Outgoing Calls - This drop-down allows the user to decide if announcement ports will be assigned based on first to last, last to first or longest available.
  • Default Queue – Queue to use if no other queue matches.
  • Volume– Increase or decrease the audio level when announcements are being played.
  • Use Call Pickup Mode – When enabled, unanswered queue calls ringing at the agent will be picked up by the port using the ‘Call Pickup Code’. If this option is disabled, the pickup will be attempted using CTI which may not be supported in most CTI implementations.
  • Call Pickup Code – Code used for direct call pickup in a PABX.
  • Reconnect Code – Digits to reconnecting a failed transfer with CCS Desk Mobile.


  • HMP SIP Ports – Enables CCS Announce integration with HMP.
  • SIP PABX IP Address – Sets the SIP PABX IP Address to use.
  • Host IP Address to use – Sets the host IP Address to use.
  • Copy Password from first port to all other ports – Copies the set password on the first port to all other ports.
  • Set All Passwords to extension number – Sets all passwords to extension number.
  • Requires Spare Channel– Spare SIP channels are required when performing certain call functions with HMP.

The ports below are a reflection of the configuration in the next section. Double click on each port to open the HMP Port Editor.

  • SIP Server– The IP address of the SIP host, usually the PBX itself.
  • SIP Device– The extension number.
  • SIP Username– Must be entered with the authorized username for each SIP device.
  • SIP Password– Must be entered with the password for each SIP device.


  • DTMF On Duration – Length of time between dialing each digit and length of time for each digit.
  • Flash Duration – Duration of hook flash.
  • Call Transfer String – This is always set as displayed.
    1. Ampersand ‘&’ – Hook flash.
    2. Comma ‘,’ –Pause.
    3. %s – Device number.
  • Pause Duration – Length of pause in the transfer.


  • Disconnect Tone Detection- If required the disconnect tone settings is needed to be configured to match the settings in PBX.


CCS Q may receive digits from certain PABX systems to identify where the call is forwarded from. The digits are then used to identify which queue the call is for, by matching them against the Queue In-Band Identifier value.

  • First Digit Wait Time – Time before first digit.
  • Inter-Digit Wait Time – Time between digits.
  • Total DTMF Wait Time – Total time for number dialed.
  • DTMF Disconnect Code - If CCS Announce receives the code entered here during the sequence of the call, it will take that to mean that the PABX has disconnected the call.


Identifier – Defines how the digits from the PABX specify which queue the call is for. In the above example, any 3 digit number starting with a 7 can be used as an identifier.

Announcement Ports

This lists the Dialogic ports assignments.

A new announcement port can be added by clicking on the ‘Add’ button in this list, and an existing one can be deleted by clicking on the ‘red bin’ icon.

  • Dialogic Port – The port number on the Dialogic board / HMP.
  • PABX – The PABX integration profile of the device connected to the Dialogic port.
  • Device – The device number connected to the Dialogic port.
  • Direction – Specifies whether this port is for incoming calls, outgoing calls or either.
  • Number of sequential ports to add – When creating a new port, this feature helps to create additional x ports assuming the device connected to the subsequent ports is sequential. In this above example, it will assume that port 4 is connected to 332; port 5 is connected to 333 etc.

  Note that this setting is very critical and must be configured correctly.

Announcement Files

The announcement files need to be stored on the server where the Dialogic board / HMP and CCS Announce service is installed. In some circumstances this is not necessarily the same server as where the rest of the iPECS CCS software is installed.

The structure inside this folder must follow the following rules:

The Queue sub-folder must be named Qxxxx where xxxx is the ID of the queue, as shown in CCS Desk Manager – Queues list.

Three (3) different greeting files must be found in each queue folder. They MUST be called:

  • WAV– First announcement.
  • WAV– Repeat Announcement.
  • WAV– Third Announcement.

Greeting 3 is optional and only required when ‘Third Announcement Interval’ is not set to 0 in the queue configurations.

HOLDMUSIC.WAV is required for the hold music during Inter Announcement Delay. If the file doesn’t exist inside the queue folder, the system will attempt to find and use HOLDMUSIC.WAV in the parent announcement folder.

If ‘Queue Position’ is required, you can have custom greetings for each queue position up to 6. They will need to be called POS0.WAV, POS1.WAV up to POS6.WAV. If there are more than 6 calls holding in front of the current call, POS6 will be used. It is recommended that POS6 therefore does not specifically say ‘There are 6 calls ahead of you’. Without these the default position announcements will be used.

It is very important to record the Announcement files with the correct audio format. The audio files must have the following format to be compatible with telephony devices. Any other format will be played by the system; however, no audio will be heard at the telephony end i.e. by the caller.

PCM WAV, 11 KHz, 8 bit, Mono

CCS Desk Manager Queue Announcement tab can be used to manage the process of copying various audio files into respective queues. Before copying the new file, this ensures the audio format is correct and creates a backup of any previous greeting files.


End of article.
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