Panasonic SIP Setup for CyCC

Panasonic SIP Setup for CyCC

Panasonic SIP Setup for CyCC

Panasonic NS1000 SIP Programming

Ensure SIP extension is Licensed on the Panasonic NS1000.  The PABX must have sufficient licenses for SIP Extension to be used by HMP.   If CyCC is licensed for 4 announcement ports, the number of SIP extension licenses required is 4.

1. Configuration arrow.jpg 1.Slot arrow.jpg Activation Key Installation

Firstly, add the SIP Extension Card into the Virtual Shelf.

1. Configuration arrow.jpg 1.Slot arrow.jpg Virtual  arrow.jpg V-SIPEXT32

Take the card Out of Service (Ous) to configure the SIP extensions.

1. Configuration arrow.jpg 1.Slot arrow.jpg Virtual arrow.jpg V-SIPEXT32

Select Port Properties on the V-SIPEXT32 Card to Configure the SIP Extensions.  The Extension Number and Password is critical for the setup.  These should be recorded for HMP and CyAnnounce Setup.

1. Configuration arrow.jpg 1.Slot arrow.jpg Virtual arrow.jpg V-SIPEXT32 arrow.jpg Port Property

In the Port Properties on the V-SIPEXT32 Card ensure the SIP extension is Registered once a third Party interface is linked to the extension.  This can be checked later once HMP together with CyAnnounce is fully configured on CyCC.

1. Configuration arrow.jpg 1.Slot arrow.jpg Virtual arrow.jpg V-SIPEXT32 arrow.jpg Port Property

Create a new group to be used as the CyCC identifier.

5. Incoming Call Distribution Group arrow.jpg 1.Group Settings arrow.jpg Select a Group and give is a Name and Priority Hunting

Add the newly created SIP extensions as members of this group.  A DDI can now be directed to this group which will be presented to CyCC with the group number as the identifier.

5. Incoming Call Distribution Group arrow.jpg 1.Group Settings arrow.jpg Member List

Finally, and absolutely critical step, increase the SIP Session Timer Min. (s) to the highest possibel value i.e. 3600.  If this is not increased, calls queued for more than 45 seconds will fail to transfer to Agents.

1. Configuration arrow.jpg 1.Slot arrow.jpg Site Property arrow.jpg Main arrow.jpg SIP Extension

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